File holes on a continuous form are punched
on a web press as the forms are printed.
- Standard configurations are:
- two holes, 2 3/4" center to center,
top or bottom of the form.
- three holes, 4 1/4" center to center
on the left side of the form
- Configurations other than standard may have restrictions so consult
your supplier.
Punching Specifications
Width 9 1/2"
Width 9 1/2"

Running parallel
to depth
Running parallel
to width
Specifications needed by your supplier:
Number of holes - Diameter size of hole - Center
to center measurement from hole to hole - Location
Example: 3 holes - 1/4" diameter - 4 1/4" center to center - at left
Also indicate if the holes are parallel to the depth or parallel to the width.
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